Aikido. In any case Aikido!
Aikido is a Japanese martial art without competition.
The training is equally physically and mentally challenging – coordination, stamina, agility and understanding of movement are all trained at the same time.

A worldwide community!
We are connected by friendships to training communities in Berlin, Germany and all over Europe. If you want to immerse yourself in an international community, this is the right place for you.

Lots of fun!
Perhaps most importantly, Aikido is fun. You’ll find it hard to imagine the joy of working your way through perfect technique in complete harmony with your training partner. Until you try it. Come on over.
Just join in!
There are free places again! We would like to invite you to one or two free trial training sessions. Sign up in advance and we will tell you which lesson is right for you or your child!
1 year of Dachoyama Aikido on the old post office premises in Garzauer Straße in Strausberg
On the occasion of this great event, we celebrated a great Aikido day on January 4th with children and adults, a rich cake buffet, a very funny Aikido demonstration by our youth and an evening buffet from all over the world. There was also live music with accordion, violin and percussion and afterwards a party until late.
Many thanks to everyone for the successful party. You are great!

Parent/child Aikido
Our new course (10 units) has started with great success and is already fully booked. However, you are welcome to register for the next course, which will start in September 2024.

We congratulate Hannah on passing her 1st Dan exam!
Course with Karl Ruben, 5th Dan. It was a great, intensive weekend full of Aikido with Karl Ruben and many guests.
2nd Aikido Summer Camp in Reichenberg, July 2023. The youth rocks! A week of intensive training with lots of fun is behind us!
Belt exams: Before the summer vacations and at the youth camp, more than 20 children, teenagers and adults successfully passed their belt exams. Many members have been training with us for years and so we are especially happy about many high graduations among the youth.
Aikido-Fest: We started the year with an Aikido-Fest! Our groups, whether children, young people or adults from Strausberg and Reichenberg, have trained together and celebrated. Crowning were the many belt examinations, which all have passed of course with bravura! Congratulations!
Youth training course in Reichenberg: Intensive training with good mood … that was our youth training course September 2022
Aikido at the harvest festival in Reichenberg: A wonderful day with intensive training, picnic and a demonstration in the sunshine.
Aikido Summer Camp in Reichenberg: The youth rocks! A week of intensive training with lots of fun we have behind us!
Demonstration – As part of “OPEN Neuland Märkische Schweiz” – Regional Festival for Neighborhood and Cohesion there was a great Aikido demonstration of the children and youth.
Review: Belt exams – 46 children, teenagers and adults have successfully passed belt exams this month. Congratulations to all examinees!
Review: Aikido Easter Camp at the Baltic Sea The youth rocks! A week of intensive training with lots of fun we have behind us!
Review: Jorma Lyly training course Already almost an old tradition! Jorma Lyly visited us for an evening training course in June 2022. Together with some guests from Berlin we had an intensive training.
Review: AIKIDO – Course with Karl Ruben 2021 That was a wonderful course! Many guests from Berlin were there, an intensive program, completed exams – so much accomplished in one day! Thanks to Karl and all who participated and helped with the organization!
Review: AIKIDO harvest festival in Reichenberg We showed a beautiful demonstration at the harvest festival in Reichenberg! It was really impressive. Thanks to the participants, parents and everyone who helped us!
Review: Congratulations, Ishlar! A passed exam to the 3rd Dan… Sandan! July 2021 at the Aikido camp in Göhren.
Review: Aikido seminar and demonstration, September 2020: Despite the pandemic, we managed to celebrate a wonderful children and youth Aikido festival in Reichenberg! Thanks to the participants, parents and everyone who supported us strongly!
Review: HANAMI end of March 2019: We have celebrated a wonderful Hanami children -and youth aikidofest in Wriezen with 150 participants! Many guests from Berlin were there, who gave stick and sword demonstrations.The parents have conjured up a great buffet and actively participated.Thank you to all adults who supported me and us! Maybe next year there will be more.


Ishlar ist sehr engagiert im Aikido und ihre Begeisterung ist einfach ansteckend. Sie sprüht vor Energie und ich bin glücklich, dass sie in Strausberg etwas von Ihrem Wissen weitergibt. Schön zu wissen, dass harmonische Bewegung voller Lebensfreude dank Ihr auch hier zu finden ist.
Karl Ruben
30, Aikido-Lehrer in Berlin

Mit Ishlar zu trainieren macht immer Freude. Sie fordert einen heraus, sich nie mit weniger als 100 % zufrieden zu geben. Und dazu hat sie noch riesig Humor!
Franziska Dieterich
49, Shiatsu Therapeutin

Immer voller Elan – so kenne ich Ishlar. Ihr Aikdo ist kraftvoll und energiegeladen. Das wird sie sicher auch mit viel Freude an ihre Schüler weitergeben. Eine schöne Sache für Strausberg.
Sara Wang
46, Musikerin und Akupuntur Therapeutin

Ishlar ist eine Lehrerin, die es versteht jahrzentelange Kampfkunsterfahrung klar und verständlich zu vermitteln. Sie geht auf die individuellen körperlichen und geistigen Fähigkeiten der Schüler und Schülerinnen gezielt ein. Achtsam und respektvoll schafft sie es Aikidoprinzipien und -techniken, die zu mehr Sicherheit und wahrer Stärke in allen Bereichen des Lebens beitragen, weiterzugeben.